Why should your baby learn to swim?

The benefits of swimming aren’t just physical. At Water Sprites we play using basic shapes, colours and numbers, helping babies to develop problem-solving, turn-taking and listening skills.

Not to mention all feel-good factor of all that one-to-one time with their parent or carer which is great for their confidence and self-esteem.

We help you master various ways to support and hold your baby in the water. We show you lots of different exercises and movements and encourage you to swim together so your little-one experiences the motion of swimming.

Perhaps one of the most important reasons to take your baby swimming is all the fun it can bring! Over 1 in 3 children say swimming is their favourite family activity* At Water Sprites we hope to inspire a lifetime of happy times in the water!

*From YouGov survey carried out on behalf of British Gas February 2010. Based on 31% of 899 respondents choosing swimming from a selection of activities.

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